We offer a variety of video experiences, including:

Video Guestbook

Elevate the guestbook experience at your parties by incorporating video guestbooks that capture heartfelt messages and memories from your attendees. Instead of traditional written messages, video guestbooks offer a dynamic and personal touch, allowing guests to express their well wishes, share anecdotes, and leave lasting impressions. With a Booth in a Box Video package, guests can record their heartfelt messages, funny stories, or even showcase their hidden talents. Video guestbooks not only create a fun and interactive activity for your guests but also provide you with a cherished keepsake filled with genuine emotions that you can revisit and relive long after the party is over.

Customer Testimonials

Take your customer testimonials to the next level by capturing them through the lens of a photobooth. Gone are the days of plain written testimonials – with a video testimonial feature, you can showcase the authentic voices and experiences of your satisfied customers. Set up a dedicated area with your photobooth where customers can share their thoughts and feedback on camera. This interactive and engaging approach allows customers to express their satisfaction, highlight the benefits of your products or services, and provide genuine recommendations to potential clients. By incorporating video customer testimonials into your photobooth experience, you not only amplify your brand’s credibility but also create compelling content that can be shared across various marketing channels, strengthening your reputation and attracting new customers.

Video Effects

From slow-mo to animations, we have a variety of video effect options for your guests to enjoy.